
Showing posts from September, 2019

Grids - longitude

Eratosthenes created the first world map in 195 BC. Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west portion of a point on Earth's surface. Longitude is measured by imagery lines. Longitude is used to measure distance in degrees from east to west from the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian passes through Greenwhick, England, and is given the position of 0 degrees of longitude. The lines of longitude are also known as meridians. The lines of longitude run in a north-south direction. Also, the lines of longitude are equal in length.


Geography is the study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reason for the location. Two questions that are asked are "Where are people and activities found on Earth?" and "Why are they found there?" The answer to both questions are the map. A map is a two-dimensional or a flat-scale model of the Earth's surface. The art and science of mapmaking is called cartography. Two purposes of a map is to help find the absolute and relative location. It is also used as a communication tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features. Absolute location is a portion expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude and longitude. Relative location is the regional or situation of a place relative to the portion of other places. Latitude is the geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south portion of a point on the Earth's surface. Important lines of latitude are Artic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Cap...


Situation is the location of a place relative to other places. Situations are used to help us for two reasons, finding places and understanding its importance. Many locations are important because they are accessible to other places. We use situation to identify important buildings, streets, and other land marks to direct others to a certain location. For example, many electronics where put together in the US, and then was put together and made in China. Many items and goods where shipped to China because of the low labor cost. Chinese employs make about 300 dollars a month. They make about 10%. US employs make about 3200 in a month.

How do geogrophers describe where things are?

Geographers can describe where things are by site. Site is the physical character of a place. Some characteristics of a place are climate, water, sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. Site's characteristics have always had an impact in selecting a place to live and settle. Also the factors of a site where some settle can also depend on their culture. For example, some like hilltop site from easy defense from attack. Another example would be that many people would live near river-crossing points to make it easier to communicate with people in other places. Human have the ability to modify the charcuteries of a site. For example, Peter Minuit bought the island, Manhattan, for the equivalent of $23.75 worth of Dutch gold and silver coins and then Manhattan's additional area was created by filling in portions of the East River and the Hudson.

Map Quizes


Test Results

Today in Human Geography, I  got back my test, that I took last week. As a class, we reviewed it and went over all the correct answers and discussed the answers that we got wrong. I did really well on the test and scored a 95%. I did a lot better than I thought I was going to do. I thought that I was going to do bad on the essay questions but I actually got full credit for both. I got all the multiple choice questions right. On the second page, the fill in the planks, I got only two wrong. On that page, I was thinking I did worse. I also got one extra credit point, for knowing the original name of the mountain before it was named, Mt. Mckinely. Overall I am very happy with my grade that I got on my first human geo quiz.

The Mercator & Peters World Map

The Mercator map is a world map projection created by Gerardus Mercator, a geographer and a cartographer. The  Mercator map was established in 1569.  The Mercator map has been used for many things, but is mainly used for navigation. The Mercator Map shows texture for mountain ranges. Another name for that is topography. Topography is a representation on a map of natural features of an area. Unlike the Mercator Map that is used for navigation, the Peters World Map is used to see the correct and accurate size from each countries, to each other. The Peters map was named after Arno Peters and James Gall. In 1855 at a science convention, described this type of map for the first time.

Map Comparison

Map A is a map of the United States. The map has texture which represents the mountain ranges, also called a mercator map. Another word for that is topography. The map had dull colors and five different colors. It also shows all the different road routes. Lakes and rivers are also labeled. This map shows all the major and minor towns and cities. Also all the major airports. Map A shows more detail than the other maps.  Map B is map of the world. On the map there is a compose and a key with a scale. All the contents are labeled and all the oceans and seas are labeled. As map A does, it also shows topography. The countries and contents are different colors. This map has less detail. Map C is a map of the world, a Peter World Map. Each contents are different colors; yellow, green, purple, pink, orange. The letters are bold. There is no topography.

First Test (Socrates)

Today in Human Geography, I took a test on A Letter to Garcia  and Socrates. I though that the test was pretty easy, there were some parts that gave me a little more trouble than others. I liked the multiple choice and I thought that the essay question was not bad at all. In the begging, I thought that the fill in the blanks were going to be hard, but they were a lot easier than I thought. Hopefully, I did good. I felt like I did pretty well on this test. I am glad that I reviewed everything and looked over all my notes and power points, last night to prepare me for today's test. I think the power points and resources defiantly helped me prepare for today's test. I feel that with all the notes and this test that I comprehended this material very well.


Socrates was a classic Greek philosopher and one of the founders of Western philosophy.  Socrates was first moral Western philosopher.  was a regular folk and one of us. As a young man Socrates worked as a stonemason. He also fought in the Peloponnesian War. Socrates' working class background helped shape the way he viewed the world. Socrates taught many adults and children using the Socrates method.The Socratic method is a teaching method is where a teacher gets the students to answer questions and use critical thinking. In 399 B.C. Socrates was charged with two crimes, corruption of Athen's youth and impiety. Impiety is not believing in the gods of that state. a jury of 500 male citizens found him guilty. They sentenced hime to death by drinking poison hemlock. Socrates even had the opportunity to escape his death sentence but he resfused to escape to prove his loyalty to the Athenian democracy. A famous quote from him is "The unexamined life is not worth living." ...


Agora is a central public space in Ancient Greek city-states used for assemblies. Agora was a market place and was also a place where people would meet to make decisions.Polis is their government and meeting place. The importance of the year 508 BC was that democracy was established. It's the first time in history that regular folks rose up against their leaders and over through them. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher. He was also one of the founders of Western philosophy. Socrates was first moral Western philosopher. Socrates died in 399 BC.  Socrate got in trouble for teaching others that there was an another explanation to the world than Greek Mythology. He was poisoned because of his actions. The Socratic method is a teaching method is where a teacher gets children to answer questions and use critical thinking. When the ancient Greeks called you an idiot they meant that you were self centered and when you did not participate in the Greek culture.

A Message to Garcia (Part 2)

A Message to Garcia was so popular that is was reprinted as a book. The book sold over 40 million copies and was translated into 37 different languages. A Message to Garcia was also made into a movie twice. The first movie came out in 1916 and then the second movie came out in 1936. "Take a message to Garcia" was popular slang for taking initiavtive. That phrase, "take a message to Garcia", is still used in the military. The setting is the Spanish-American War. Garcia was a revolutionary, seeking Cuban independence from Spain. Rowan was an army officer, that went to West Point and was in the class of 1881. William McKinley was the 25th president. He was assented by an anarchist, six months into his second term. After his assignation the tallest mountain in North America was named after him, McKinley, but as of today its was renamed, Denali. "It's doing th right thing without being told." -Elbert Hubbard

A Message to Garcia (Part 1)

A Message to Garcia, written by Elbert Hubbard in 1899, was an essay written about a man named Rowan, who is given a task to give a message to Garcia, from President McKinley. Without complaining or without any hesitation he traveled for three weeks, through a jungle and a very hostile country, to give this message from the president to Garcia.  Hubbard's easy and the difficulties of high school have many connections. A connection is that in Hubbard's essay, Rowan did not complain about his job and did the task right as in high school when you are given an assignment you should get it done and done on time and have good time management.

The First Day of Freshman year at John Carroll

The best part of my first day of freshman year at John Carroll was getting to meet new people, meeting all my teachers, and seeing all of my friends. My favorite part was meeting new people because I made a lot of new friends that I shared same interests in. Also, the best part of the day was when I had off mods with my friends. The freedom that is given in high school is also one of my favorite things. My least favorite part of the day was trying to get my locker open. I had a hard time getting adjusted to using locker combinations, but luckily I had upper class men that were always there if I needed help. I don't mind my seat in human geography.  The reason I don't mind my seat in class is because it is easy to see the board, but sometimes I don't like to be in the first row.