Test Questions

Multiple Choice :

1.  What is the study of where things are found on the Earth's Surface?
A. Zoology
B. Theology
C. Geography
D. Biology

2. Who created the first world map in 195BC?
A. Eratostenes
B. Socrates
C. Christopher Columbus
D. Garcia

3. Which line passes through Greenwich, England?
A. Arctic Circle
B. Equator
C. The Prime Meridian

4. What is the art and science of mapmaking called?
A. Topography 
B. Cartography
C. Site 
D. Situation

Fill in the Blank :

4. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places.

5. The physical character of a place is called a _site_.

6. Humans_ have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site.

7.  The lines of _latitude_ run east to west and the lines of _longitude_ run north to south.

8.  Relative Location_ is the regional or situation of a place relative to the portion of others places.

9.  A region of earth that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes is called a _time zone_.

Short Answer:

10. Name the five lines of latitude -
Arctic Circle
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle

11. Why should Daylight Savings be abolished or not?
I think Daylight Savings should not be abolished. I think it should not be abolished because after having Daylight Saving  over many years it would make things more complicated for everyone. It would also affect our sleep schedule and our overall health.


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