Exam Essay

Kenya is located in East Africa. It has a population of about 48 million people and has been said to grow even more within the next couple years. Even though the population might be increasing is still faces many issues with its economy and population.  The economy is still developing due to poor and corrupt government but has been fixed in the last few years with new institutional reforms that should provide a more developed. Kenya has the largest economy in Eastern and Central Africa. Another challenge that Kenya is facing is a very high infant mortality rate. Somethings that cause this problem are that children are not fully protected against diseases, children die because their families are too poor to access the care they need and Kenya lacks fully functional health facilities. One of the biggest issues in Kenya is disease. Two of the major diseases in Kenya are HIV and AIDS. These diseases are the number one deaths of the people in Kenya because they don’t have access to health care so their disease goes untreated, which is why so many die from these diseases. Energy is another major problem in Kenya. About 44% of Kenya’s people does not have access to electricity. This is a problem because Kenya is not producing enough crude oil to produce electricity. This issue is tough to resolve because Kenya has a high unemployment rate than most other countries. As most countries Kenya has struggled with many different challenges.
Japan is located is Eastern Asia. It has a population of about 126 million people but unfortunately it is declining very fast. Japan’s population has been decreasing due to the low fertility rate. This means that not many people are having kids and if they are it would only be one kid, which is not enough to fulfill the TFR, the total population rate, which is 2.1. But Japan has a very high life expectancy rate. This means that more of Japan’s population is older and is in the post reproductive ages. Because of this it affects the birth rate of Japan. As well has their declining population, Japan’s has issues with their economy. Japan has a very advanced economy. Japan’s economy has become very advanced due to structures of manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. With this advanced economy but declining population, Japan is in the fifth stage of the demographic transition. Japan is in the fifth stage of the demographic transition because their birth rate is declining, the death rate is low, and the natural increase rate is negative. Japan is still struggling with this major problem.
Germany is located in Central Europe. It has a population of about 82 million people. Germany’s population is stable but in the next couple years it could start to slowly decreasing, one of the main challenges that Germany faces. The main reason for this decline in the population is because not enough children are being born. This means Germany has a low birth rate. Unlike Japan’s rapidly declining population, Germany’s population is stable because of immagration. For many years people thought Germany’s population was going to fall but immgration helped it become more stable. Germany is the second most popular mirgration destination in the world. Immgration was a solution to this problem for a little bit of time but many fear that in the coming years Germany’s population will start to slowly decreasing.


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